It's 2014, and for Brent and I, that means we're starting the year out by doing a no-spend month (or a spending fast, as it's also called).
No, we're not trying to "stick it to the man" or anything like that. It's purely an attempt - a goal, really - to simplify and save. Last year we tried and failed. (I really wanted to buy the 4-pack of the stop-animation Christmas classics at Walmart.) But this year, it's a bit different. Last year, it was in November for one thing (appropriately deemed by us, "No-Spend November"), and it was a spur-of-the-moment decision and poorly planned, as seen in its lack of execution (and, I clearly wasn't very disciplined). This year, it's obviously kicking off our new year, and we've actually (kind of) planned for it this time. Not only that, but the goal is to do not one, but TWO months of non-spending.
As I mentioned, our purpose in doing this is to save money and simplify our life. I've wanted to live more simply for quite some time now, and have gone through various phases of said endeavor. To be honest, our life is already pretty simple, but we're still a product of our time and culture and there are just a few things we'd like to cut back on or cut out entirely.
We weren't big on the making of a bunch of new year resolutions or goals though we, like most, did make some. Really, it was cutting back on spending, saving as a result and...well...that's really about it for the time being. There are other goals we have, but if there's anything we've learned since living in Oklahoma, it's to sloooooow down and not take on too much at once.
Simplifying is a process, I've learned. Since July of last year, I've tried to jump on many-a-simple-living-bandwagon too quickly, and got in over my head. Not to mention, simplified living can look different for different people, something I don't think I realized when I first began my journey towards simplicity.
For some, it's minimalism all across the board (which can creep me out a bit, not going to lie). For others, it's natural or chemical-free living. For some, it might be no or very little technology, not having a car, getting rid of social media or having a 100% DIY'd lifestyle. I tried the chemical-free lifestyle for a couple months in an attempt to live a more simplified life - I made my own cleaning products, got rid of all of my medicine, planned a patio garden and all that other natural-living Pinterest-y stuff. But it just wasn't for me, and because it wasn't for me, it honestly led to far more stress.
Simple living looks different for different people, but I think that the goal of simplicity for those who desire it is ultimately the same: freedom and contentment. Brent and I look at simplicity of lifestyle as a way to feel free to do what and go where God has called us to at His word, to be a greater blessing to others and to not get caught up in today's distorted "American Dream." And for us, the road to simplifying our lifestyle simply begins with finances.
So, here are our personal "No Spending" rules for the months of January and February 2014:
- (We can't afford not to!)
- ONLY spend money on NEEDS.
- (Rent, bills, school payment, necessary groceries, gas, hygiene, necessary household items, and so forth. The only things here that are technically wants, but we're listing here are Netflix and makeup. Don't judge!)
- NO spending on any WANTS.
- (Going out to eat, entertainment, Starbucks, clothes, books, decor, junk food, and so forth. No extra stuff, basically.)
That's it, really. Pretty simple. The idea is to save everything that we don't need to spend so that we can pay off debt faster, have more money to give and of course, grow in the area of contentment.
"Now godliness with contentment is great gain."
1 Timothy 6:6
Also, we have an exciting new adventure coming soon, and that will require some extra funds! But more on that later...
If this sounds like it might be up your alley, I encourage you to join us - it's not too late! (And remember: you can start a no-spending month at any time.) Have you ever completed a spending fast? What are some of your life-simplification tips or habits? How are those New Year goals coming along? (Don't give up!)
If this sounds like it might be up your alley, I encourage you to join us - it's not too late! (And remember: you can start a no-spending month at any time.) Have you ever completed a spending fast? What are some of your life-simplification tips or habits? How are those New Year goals coming along? (Don't give up!)