If you've ever followed my blogs or clicked on links to my blogs via Facebook, then you probably know that I've had some trouble sticking to just one blog. I've gone back and forth, deleted, undeleted, and started from scratch various blogs over the past two years since I really discovered and decided to blog. I honestly can't tell you how many blogs I've started and stopped, though I highly doubt it's more than thirty. Regardless, my unused URLs and email addresses are creepily floating around the blogosphere somewhere, and for that, I apologize.
At first, I wanted to stick with just one blog on which I would blog about any and everything, and to date, that blog still might have the most posts I've ever published. But I got bored after a while, and as I discovered more and more about blogging, and wanted to have a niche blog...failing to really understand that in order to have a niche blog, one must...you know...have a niche. I did not.
So that was fun.
Then I decided to stick with a "family" blog - a public blog that was ultimately just about my mine and my husband's adventures, and had the intention of keeping extended family up to date with our lives. I actually posted on that one at least monthly for about a year, and it mainly documented mine and my husband's final weeks in Idaho all the way until about the end of our first year in Oklahoma. I enjoyed that one, but I knew that I wanted to write about more than just what my husband and I ate for dinner and what we did on Tuesday. (Though I'm sure it was riveting...)
Over this past summer, I decided to take a break from blogging at the encouragement of a blogging acquaintance of mine, and I'm so glad that I did! It gave me time to breathe and think about what I really wanted to do. (OK, I may or may not have attempted two additional blogs towards the end there, but I gave up on them pretty quickly, knowing neither was what I really wanted to focus on.) I ended up figuring out what it really was I wanted to blog about, and at the same time, was still not entirely sure. However, oddly enough, that seems to make the most sense this time around. I realized even without a niche, I had plenty to blog about:
- I don't have a niche because I don't have a lot of experience or expertise in any one area, but I'm young and I'm learning every day. That's something to blog about.
- I'm a newlywed (Hey, two years is still newlywed in my book!) and learning how to be a homemaker (with a part-time job) and am learning to grow in hospitality - that's something to blog about.
- I'm going to Bible school and finishing my bachelors degree - something to blog about.
- I'm a writer, and an aspiring author - there's something to blog about, too.
- I'm learning how to eat, cook, dress and decorate well - and that's something to blog about.
- I love living a Christian life, and I'm growing everyday and making mistakes everyday. I want the walls that separate the Church to break down, and I desire to live a lifestyle of ministry, encouraging believers and nonbelievers alike - and wouldn't you know it, that's something to blog about.
- Ultimately, while my husband and I recently were discussing our life and our future, and we both agreed: We don't mind living in a glass house, nor do we mind living in one on-purpose. In fact, we want to embrace it. We are living a deliberate, intentional, on-purpose, called, set-apart life. We live out our life on purpose, everyday. We live a life of influence, love and kindness on-purpose, for a purpose so much greater than just the two of us and our human desires. And, ultimately, that's something to blog about.
Welcome to Our On-Purpose Life! Even though it's just starting out, my hope is that it would be a delightful little mix of our personal life adventures, endeavors, thoughts, ministry and so forth. I'm looking forward to this new blogging endeavor, and can't wait to share my life with the blogging world...for serious, this time! Not because I'm anything unique or special, but because life is supposed to be shared, and my life is not my own. My life belongs to God, and because it's for God, it's for you too!