Friday, May 8, 2015

We've Moved!

I feel like I've dropped off the face of the planet since deleting my social media accounts! And it's been wonderful.

(For the record, I didn't delete anyone; I deleted myself. I'm not mad at or trying to get away from anyone either. I just wanted to clear that up, because I've been asked. If you're curious as to why I left social media, you can read some of my reasons here.) 

But as wonderful as said departure's been, there have been a few not being able to officially announce that WE'VE MOVED!!! We found out a little over two weeks ago, and moved into our new place exactly two weeks ago today.

It's been a bit of a whirlwind to say the least, but it's been an adventure nonetheless, and God has made it quite known to us that this is where He wants us to be.

I'll make it as short and sweet as I can because a lot has happened.

1. Brent and I had began the process of making a potential move (looking for apartments, applying for jobs) only to soon after decide on just staying where we were for the next six months or so, and to just commute to church twice a week.

2. But three weeks ago, Brent was called for an interview. And two weeks ago, he was offered that new job and lost his previous job...on the same day! (He lost his job due to accepting his new one because the two companies are in direct competition, so he was unable to put in a two week notice. But he's still in good standing with his previous company, so praise the Lord that he was able to leave on good terms!) Anyway, we decided to step out in faith and go for it: we were moving!

3. I told the new apartment manager that we wanted a two-bedroom and that we'd move in on May 1st, and so I also told my landlord we'd be moving out. However, in the hustle and bustle, I made the mistake of not giving him a 30-day notice! Whoops. Even so, because of the job situation, at that point we didn't really have a choice. My landlord said if someone rented it by May 1st (only 11 days from when I told him!), then it might be ok, so we started believing God to bring in a new renter for our landlord who could pay rent on or by May 1st! A stretch in the natural, sure...but nothing is too big for our God!

4. We started the moving process that week, and when we went to sign our lease, we found out that a three-bedroom was available for only $50 more! They offered it to us, and of course, we took it. What a blessing! It's the most space we've ever had, and there's so much natural light - it's great! The landlady also gave us the keys that day. So...Brent found out he got the new job on Monday, and we moved into our new apartment that Friday. Talk about a whirlwind!

5. The best part is that one week later, we were informed that a renter had been found for our previous place and would be paying rent...on May 1st!!! Talk about a faithful God! Not only that, but someone also anonymously blessed us with a large financial gift. I literally cried when I found out. Moving costs money, and this was a quick one so our finances got a bit out of whack. We were expecting God to provide, but we were expecting Him to provide just enough to cover all of our bills. However, I sometimes forget that He's the God of more than enough. "HE IS ABLE to do FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY than ALL that we ask or think!" (Ephesians 3:20)

We were beyond grateful and blessed, and were in absolute awe of God's provision and His answers to our prayers. Where He guides, He definitely provides! And it gets even better: we don't have to drive 160 miles every week anymore, haha! Now we can just walk to church, and it's amazing.

Here's the view we get to see just out our front door every day:

This picture however, with it's dumpster and storage sheds, simply does not do it justice. Here's another one from one of the bridges in our new town:

God is good!

And yesterday, we got our internet hooked up, so I can finally share this awesome adventure with whoever might like to read it. Thank you to any and everyone who prayed for us, and to our amazing families for helping us with the craziness of moving in so many ways.

Also, just a few quick Declan updates:
  • Declan is 5 and a half months old, and has TWO teeth coming in already! He's hasn't seemed to be hurting too bad, which is great.
  • He's also eating baby food now. (I kind of started with rice cereal, buuuuut...I also kind of skipped that part. *cough*) Surprisingly, his favorite are peas! He also seemed to like avocado a lot. I've also given him some taste of banana, apples, and pears, but he still seems to like peas the best. Weird, but hey...that's fine with me if he likes his veggies!

  • Since he was 3 months old, he's rolled over only two times (by accident, hehe), but he's still just content to scoot, lay on his back or tummy (sometimes - he's not a big tummy time fan), and play in his exer-saucer. He'll do it when he's ready, so no big deal. He's a talker (like his mama) and seems to be a thinker (like his daddy). He's also very content, social, and happy! We fall more in love with him each day.

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