Mainly, it' just been because I've been finishing up my abnormal psych class, which I had gotten a bit behind in with trying to figure out what on earth my schedule was going to look like. But all of that's done and over with, and I managed to get a B in the class, so...praise the Lord!
Yesterday began a new term at Bible school, and later this week I start a new course in my bachelors program, so I had been waiting for this week to begin since...well, the beginning of last week, I suppose. I felt like a new week,with entirely new classes, was just what I needed to feel like I could start fresh in not only school, but in other areas of my life as well, particularly my time management and priorities. I was getting ready to plan for this week, however, when all of a sudden...BAM! The Holy Spirit hit me like a freight train...or a consuming fire. Whichever you think makes me sound more spiritual, I guess.
Anyway, this past weekend was the men's conference at church, and neither Brent nor I attended (Brent for work-related reasons, me as a result of having the incorrect genetic makeup for such an event). However, one of the guest speakers (Todd White...check out some of his preaching and street ministry on YouTube. The dude is LEGIT.) was a guest speaker in one of our classes...and then at young adults' service...and then at church Sunday night.
Long story short: revival happened. I know people can say nonchalantly that something "changed their life" and they'll "never be the same," but I can guarantee you...this was different. If you were there, you know what I'm talking about.
My husband and I were spiritually wired all weekend long, and we didn't even have words for what had just happened to us. Probably because there are no words on earth that can describe it...because it was from heaven. It was all Jesus.
Man...I love Jesus.
The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart in many areas over this weekend, but the main focus was loving people and how it's not about us, which seems so expected, but again...this was different.
This changed my life. And I can't really even explain. Not because I don't want to, but simply because I just don't have the words to do it with. I just pray that over the course of my life and on this blog for as long as it may exist, what was imparted to me shines through. Because it's not about's about HIM.
So, this was just a little snippet leading up to my main focus of this post, which was that I feel as if I've entered into a new season of my life since Friday, and already I've seen the evidence of that in such simple things like cleaning and getting my homework done. Later this week, I'm going to officially "start" this blog; that is, I'm going to post on a regular basis. But for now, I'll leave you with a little taste of what I've been talking at your risk, and be blessed!
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