OK, well...it's brief in that I'm recapping 2 years in one post. (Cut me some slack!)
My husband and I graduate from Bible school in twelve weeks. Two years seems so long ago, and yet, I feel like we've been here forever. When we got married, we were young and in love; immature and committed; and we only knew two things about our future: we wanted to devote our lives and our marriage to the Lord, and we wanted to go to Bible school before we had kids.
My husband and I graduate from Bible school in twelve weeks. Two years seems so long ago, and yet, I feel like we've been here forever. When we got married, we were young and in love; immature and committed; and we only knew two things about our future: we wanted to devote our lives and our marriage to the Lord, and we wanted to go to Bible school before we had kids.
At this particular time in our life, my husband had only been a Christian for two years and had already read more of the Bible in those two than I had in ten; I was a believer who was recovering from a fall off of a rather high horse. We both loved the Lord, but we were still figuring out how to "be a Christian."
So I must confess: we never really, technically prayed about where God wanted us to go. Horrible, right? We kind of just...decided. We, more or less, picked somewhere. You'd think that wanting to do the work of the Lord for the rest of our known existence, we would have thought to ask Him where He wanted us to go or what He wanted us to do, but we never really got around to that.
And yet, He still told us. The Holy Spirit is awesome like that.
We thought we were picking the school that we did simply because we knew a few
people who had gone, we knew the basic doctrine was sound, and it was the
cheapest Bible school out of all the ones we looked at. Looking back, the
reality was it was absolutely where God wanted us to go the whole time, and our deciding was His prompting. We just didn't realize it at the time, and were taking the credit.
So…we got married in October, applied in December, and after having gotten accepted
in January, we just went with it. And we knew it was right, even if we
didn't really know how to ask God at the time. We just knew. He had already
told us, whether we realized it or not. I tell you what: His grace had to have been all over us to keep us
from ever doubting our decision because believe me, we so easily could have. But everything was falling into place perfectly. It made so much sense.
So in June 2012, we left everything and everyone we had ever known. We ventured off into our future having no idea what to expect or what was to come
of it; only that God was good and He had a plan that somehow involved us.
First year was a whirlwind
of shock and awe and excitement and figuring all sorts of things out. Things
about God, about ourselves, about marriage, about Christianity, about church, and about all
of the things we thought we knew before about all of those same things. It was
a season of restoration for me personally – a season which I honestly feel is just
now coming to a close, and at perfect timing. For me, it was a season of separation
from the world and an embracing of Christian culture for the first time in a
long time. Both were needed in that season, and while I made some mistakes in
both arenas, I don’t regret diving head first into either of them. Like I said,
I needed this season. I wholeheartedly believe it was the only way for God to
really grab my attention, and start shifting my focus from my past to His
future for me. And it worked.
Due to the polar opposites of separation and embracing, first year
was also a time of learning how to balance – something I believe for the rest
of my life, I’ll be fighting for. I had a lot to learn. I think I
was just excited about God and ministry and the Bible and truth and all the little bits and pieces I was learning. I was so
confident in what I believed now, where as before I used to compromise so much. I was so confident in who I was and what kind of life was
available to me in Christ, and I just wanted
everyone - even other believers - to know that they could have it too. The problem was I didn't really know how to handle
it all or what to really do with it. Basically I had a boatload of zeal, but
not a whole lot of wisdom.
Summer was both weird and
wonderful. It was wonderful because of time spent with family that we hadn't seen in
ages, as well as learning how to really spend time with God. My husband and I also had
amazing times spent with each other and with wonderful, God-chosen friends. I also got a lot of free coffee, and I love Oklahoma summers too - the rain, the storms, the heat, and the smell and feel of humidity in the air.
However, as I said, it was also weird. Mainly it was the growing pains
that made it weird. I found myself constantly at odds with…myself. But
really, the Holy Spirit was showing me how to hear His voice and recognize it
over the other voices of this world vying for my attention. And not only
was He teaching me to hear and recognize His voice, but also to listen to it –
to really, truly know that I know that I know the voice of my Shepherd. It was
also really the first season in my life that I tangibly realized the weight of
the responsibility of being a follower of Christ, the reality of the loneliness
of leadership, and the warfare that’s constantly being waged for my soul.
And hey, that whole learning process can be weird for us sheep
Second year has come and is now
almost over, with only one and a quarter term left. This year has been different. It
started out different. It was all about
my character. All about who I was as a minister of reconciliation; as a
messenger of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; as a leader; as salt and as light; as a citizen of Heaven; as a person. It's been a school year of being set free from emotional and mental battles, and even some physical ones. It’s
been a school year of introspection and realizations about myself like I've
never experienced, and probably haven’t even fully grasped yet. It’s been a
school year of putting into practice what my weird and wonderful summer
taught me: that I can hear the voice of God. This second year has confirmed what I already knew: that my
life is not my own, and that I don’t have the right to have a bad day.
I've been reminded that I can no longer exalt mistakes above the blood of
my Savior, and to be slow to speak and quick to listen (I'll be working on that for years to come). I've learned that I don't always have to have an answer or a response, and that sometimes, the only answer or response necessary is "no." I've learned to love better, to be faithful, how to refocus and encourage myself in the Lord, how to pray. I've been reminded that the reason I'm here is for people. People are the only thing that matter on this earth. People...being set free...from deception, darkness and death. I've been reminded that not everyone will like me, not everyone will agree with me, and that people really don't spend their time thinking about me as much as I think they do. And God has used this school year to assure me, more than anything
else, that I am exactly where He wants me to be, in every way.
And this second year, as I said, started out differently than before.
The first week, much to my surprise, we found out we were
going to move back to Idaho after school. We assumed that meant after Brent's third year. But by Christmas, we knew we were moving back to Idaho after this year. (Oh, um...I guess that was my official public announcement. We’re moving back to Idaho this May!)
And I think that in revealing to us when He did, God did a beautiful job
(as always) of bringing things around full circle. We “just knew” in December
2011 that we’d be coming here, and in December 2013 – exactly two years later –
we knew
that we’d be going back. The same voice that told us to come here two years ago - the voice that we weren't entirely confident yet calling “God” - that was and is the same God who now is leading us back. But the difference between then and now - what makes it full circle - is that this time, we know. We recognize His voice, recognize His peace, and follow that voice...follow that peace.
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
John 10:27
I believe one of the few key things God wanted to teach me in these two years was that I can be confident in knowing His voice. The same Spirit that I've heard throughout the entirety of my Christian walk - that still, small voice - that's Him. It's always been Him. What a blessing to look back over the past 12 years of being a born-again believer; to look at all of those times when I doubted myself, or when I thought God wasn't answering, or even when I was just starting out as a Christian all on my own - how beautiful to know that I knew the Holy Spirit from the very first day I decided to live for Him! I'm almost tempted to feel bummed for having not realized it all these years, but how can I be? It's beyond amazing! How humbling and precious to know that He's spoken to me since the very first day of my journey with Him.
Now we're preparing for a new season...another new adventure that we know nothing about. All we really know is the next step: move back. That's it. And as much as I'd love to know more, I'm so thankful that I even know just that one thing with complete confidence. After two years and thousands of dollars, if knowing that I know (and have known) God's voice was the only thing I learned, it would have still been worth every day and every penny.
And if you're a believer, and you're always wondering why God never says anything to you, I promise you, He does! It may sound like a broken record (faith comes by hearing!), but it really is that still, small voice. So be still...and know that He is God!
Jesus said in John 14:16-17, "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever - the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you."
And if you're a believer, and you're always wondering why God never says anything to you, I promise you, He does! It may sound like a broken record (faith comes by hearing!), but it really is that still, small voice. So be still...and know that He is God!
Jesus said in John 14:16-17, "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever - the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you."